U.S. Department of State
FY 2000 Country Commercial Guides: Guyana
Excerpted from page 7:
"Last year the government developed a comprehensive National Development Strategy (NDS) with assistance provided by a USAID grant to the Atlanta-based Carter Center. The document was intended to serve as a roadmap for Guyanese development in all sectors. As a major initiative in an election year, the Strategy attracted criticism from the major opposition party. In an attempt to gain multi-party consensus on a NDS, the Government of Guyana recently convened a new Committee which includes the opposition party chairpersons, to review and update the draft strategy. If implemented, the NDS could have a positive effect on business operations in Guyana."
You may access the full-length version of the US Department of State's Country Commercial Guide: Guyana by following the link below
Link to the U.S. Department of State website: www.state.gov